
Monday, May 30, 2011

A Virtual Race for Autism 5k update! Plus more prizes!

I know, I know. Two posts on one day? What has gotten into me?! I can't help it, I saw this post today on Karien's blog and couldn't help getting excited!  She ran my virtual race at the Rooifontein game farm in South Africa (international runner, y'all!), even seeing a herd of springbok antelope along her path. Cool, right?!  Thanks, Karien, for participating and supporting my cause. You rock!
Karien holding up her bib. Love the socks!
I also got an email from Brandy this morning letting me know that she and her Pink Series race director team are graciously adding to our prize pot by offering up an entry to the PINK SERIES 10k in Logan on August 6th!  Those of you who read my blog regularly will remember that I ran the Pink Series 5k last month and LOVED it!  The all-female races that they put on are so fun and super catered to girls. I am over the moon about this contribution!  Not only that but they are also offering 2 super cute Pink Series shirts. Thank you, Brandy and the Pink Series!!
And thanks to all those that have signed up so far!  This is shaping up to be a truly fun and unique event and all because of all of you out there who are signing up and having fun with it.  I'm so excited to see the race reports come pouring in!
Click the pic to learn how to enter!


  1. yayyyyy!! I am getting so excited for this! Hope to get my run in at some point this week! And I am getting so excited for UV!! maybe we will be able to meet up at some point? I would love to meet you! Glad things are going well and you are getting a lot of support with this :)

  2. How exciting!!!! I hope to get my done this week! However, it won't be as exciting as South Africa!!!

  3. Oh ,I hope so much my PT clears me to do this before the deadline! I am keeping my fingers crossed!!

  4. Wow, thanks so much for the shout out, Alicia! I had so much fun being part of your race and can't wait to read about everybody else's runs!

    Karien @ Running the Race

  5. Wow, thanks so much for the shout out, Alicia! I had so much fun being part of your race and can't wait to read about everybody else's runs!

    Karien @ Running the Race

  6. How exciting!!!! I hope to get my done this week! However, it won't be as exciting as South Africa!!!

  7. Alicia, I just wanted to let you know that I did run your virtual 5K yesterday, and I have pics but can't get them to you until tomorrow. It was interesting- started off in a rush to get kids to school, then when I got to the trail, realized I didn't have my 5K bib with me (# 526), and I forgot my water. Anyway, it turned out to be a beautiful run, and I was even able to get my husband to run with me-YAY! Thanks for doing this-it was fun! 
    Oh, almost forgot- my finish time was 24:39:10
