This video is of me at the finish line of the Turkey Trot 5k I did on Thanksgiving Day '11 and the last time that I ran pain-free. *sigh*
Running injuries are part of the sport but a part that I've never really had to deal with before. I've been basically running without injury for 6 years. Well, I did have a small bout with IT band issues a couple years back but I easily recovered in a couple weeks. (Thank you, foam roller.)
On Thanksgiving Day, I ran a 5k and then went for a leisurely 6-7 mile walk with my family. About 4 miles into our walk, my heel started to ache. Not a lot, just felt like a bruise or something. I didn't figure it was a big deal. Fast forward 5 weeks later and it's still hurting. I've run 3 times since Thanksgiving, each run more painful then the one before. I finally saw a doctor and got the diagnosis I expected- Plantar Fasciitis. Nards.
So, Alicia Runs? Not so much right now. I'm hoping that seeing a chiropractor that specializes in sports injuries and ART (active release technique) will get me back out on the road. I'm optimistic. :)
Friends- don't take today's run for granted. Every day you get to run is a GREAT day! I'll join you again soon.